Category: Weight Loss

How to Transition from Keto to Carnivore

Carnivore diet and keto diet both are low carb diets and have many similarities. However, there are a few things you need to know when you are planning to stop eating plants altogether. Probably you are already on a ketogenic diet where you are consuming low carb food. If not, let’s have a quick review of how the keto diet is followed. Keto Diet Keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat...
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Carnivore Diet Adaptation -Side-effects, Symptoms, and Risks

When you begin your journey with a carnivore diet, you need to understand its benefits and side effects. Is the journey worthwhile? What are the long-term or short side effects that you might experience? A meat diet can change many of your body functions. Are you ready for it?  First, let’s understand what happens to your body in a carnivore diet.  What happens to your body when you start a...
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Carnivore Diet for Weight Loss

Isn’t it awesome if you can eat your favorites every day and still lose weight? The only diet that goes right for every individual is the mindful consumption of food with a perfect regime that suits your body. Carnivore’s eating regime can greatly support your weight loss journey. With the right per meal serving, and lean meat consumption can aid in your weight loss. It is an excellent option if...
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Top 10 Benefits of the Carnivore Diet

Eating nothing but meat is the only rule that needs to be followed in the carnivore diet. As more and more people report experiencing various health benefits with the carnivore diet, it still faces many controversies.  Though it may sound like the latest trend, the carnivore diet is a diet that was followed by our ancestors. The human race evolved from eating raw and cooked meat. In those olden days,...
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Losing Weight on the Carnivore Diet: A Calorie isn’t a Calorie

Over 40% of Americans are obese. We are facing an obesity epidemic, and the best advice we’re giving people is, “just eat less.” This is terrible advice. It just leads to overeating and more obesity. If you’re basing your weight-loss goals around this single phrase, you will struggle to lose weight. Not to mention, there are far more effective ways of losing weight. And in today’s post, I’ll show you...
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